
"i want to ride my bicycle, i want to ride my bike..."

Gethin Jones promotes the Skyride in Manchester

Be very careful if you're riding your bike and listening to the new Black Eyed Peas or Kings of Leon CD.

While in bliss, doin the head nod thing bouncin to the beat, you could almost get side swiped by a car that doesn't care that you and a tiny piece of metal on thin wheels is in front of him OR you could be totally oblivious to mentioned car because you are peddling like a happy clam singing "Sex on Fire" and all of a sudden you feel a gust of wind out of nowhere, freak out, and eat it on the sidewalk in front of a bunch of high school jack asses who instead of coming to your aid, they say, "oh snap! she ate it hard! HAHAHAHA!".

I'm not saying this happened or anything...just take caution when riding a bicycle. It's a dangerous world out there.

1 comment:

  1. hilarious. maybe you were nodding to boom boom pow and then POW ate it?
    anwyays...fyi, if you want to use a photo you take from the internet...just add a disclaimer line at the bottom of your entry that says:
    PC: _____
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    Whatever you want. I try to do this on my posts, but its hard to remember. But there are copyright laws out there that require the photo you use to get credit. Get it?
