just got back from my afternoon date with me myself and I from the movie. 1- I am glad that I started to do solo dates again to the movies. I forgot how much fun it was! I used to take myself to the movies every week when I first moved to L A. It was my way of dealing with being in a new city all alone but not feeling alone. and B) I really really liked it!!
This movie is for those of you that love good music with good movies the way you love a good beer with your burger! I mean, this movie featured "She's Like the Wind" by Patrick Swayze for crying out loud!! 2 words people....AWESOME!! Aside from the fantastic song choices from Swayze and Hall & Oates, there was a DANCE number!!! Waaaa Hoooo!.....OK, to you that may not be a selling point, but to me, a dance number always reels me in.
I left the movie feeling incredibly blue and optimistic at the same time. When a movie can simultaneously make me feel 2 completely opposite emotions, I think that signifies money well spent. It's a love story gone wrong but in the end you realize it was supposed to go wrong so that the end would end up right. Trust me, this will make sense when you see it. I have felt all the emotions of Tom, the yin to Summer's whacked out yang, and it makes you realize how hard and sucky it is when you find someone that you think is the one and you love them so much and so hard only to realize they will feel that same way.....towards someone else. We have all felt it and we have all moved on....eventually. Love sucks ass and Love can be the best feeling in the world. But is love real or fantasy? You can decide after you see the movie. what the hell are you waiting for...GO! I am off to go get the soundtrack! :)
I loved this movie too. Lets go and see it again together!!